Hash Defaults in Ruby
I was writing a rake task to handle importing data from an older community system and needed to set a default value for anything that the old system didn’t have. I was using hashs and thought to myself “It would be sweet if hashs had defaults.” After a quick doc check I found out that hashs do infact support defaults.
I encourage you to check out the Ruby Docs http://www.ruby-doc.org/core-1.9.3/Hash.html#method-i-default
Here’s Hash defaults at a quick glance:
h = Hash.new('cat')
h[:not_a_key] #=> 'cat'
h = {}
h.default = 'cat'
h[:not_a_key] #=> 'cat'
You can also feed the Hash a block that will execute on lookup
h = Hash.new {|h,k| k+1 } => {}
h[1] => 2
h[2] => 3
h[4] => 5
h = Hash.new {|h,k| k.to_s + ' says meowww' } => {}
h[:cat] => 'cat says meowww'
Hashs can also take default Procs. Although as per the docs “It is not possible to set the default to a Proc that will be executed on each key lookup.”
h = {}
h.default = proc do |hash, key|
hash[key] = key + key
h[2] #=> #<Proc:0x401b3948@-:6>
To utiize Procs properly you must use the default_proc method:
h.default_proc = proc do |hash, key|
hash[key] = key + key
h[2] #=> 4
h["cat"] #=> "catcat"