Note: This post is an un-contexualized, un-edited, & un-proofed bunch of notes taken during Cascadia Ruby 2013.
Andy Delcambre Cascadia Ruby 2013: Ruby Systems Programming
The kernal Runs in kernal mode. Not your code. Can do anything and everything. Your Code Runs in user mode. Math. Access memory. System calls Ask the kernal nicely to do things. Api to kenal mode. If it is not in the syscall_table you can not call it.
Note: This post is an un-contexualized, un-edited, & un-proofed bunch of notes taken during Cascadia Ruby 2013.
Josh Adams and Robby Clements Ruby Robotics
Where to start Sphero - $130.00 Bluetooth enabled ball. Drives itself around. Best dog toy ever. Waterproof. Parrot AR Droid - $150.00 Acts as its own wifi AP. Connect over wifi. UDP packers. Stream video from 2 cameras. Rolling your own Beaglebone Black.
I started writing an Angular application to intereact with an API I have produced recently. The Angular app is compiled as a static site with Jekyll. I immediately ran into an issue with Angular. None of my expressions were showing up. I realized it was because Liquid which is included with Jekyll uses the same expression tags as Angular: {{ myVariable }}. This meant the Angular expressions were not making it as raw text into the final template as they were being caught by Liquid.
I was running some commands that I later found out had left me with many orphaned ruby processes. Too many to kill one by one. I needed to just get rid of them all and quickly so killing all ruby processes was the best way to go.
Here is a short list of convenient and inconvenient ways to do that:
for each in `ps -eo pid,command | grep ruby | grep -v grep | awk '{print $1}' `; do kill -9 $each;done killall −9 ruby pkill -9 ruby pidof ruby | xargs kill -9 ps aux | grep sidekiq | awk '{print $2}' | xargs kill The easiest commands and best suggestions were brought to my attention by Alan Bailward and Gavin Mogan.
As soon as the MacBook Air (Mid 2013) started shipping; reports began flooding in about intermittant wifi connectivity problems.[1] The day after it was released I ordered it. I can’t say I experinced the same issues everyone else was claiming to run into. Apple denied the issue at first (as they always do) but later released a software update for the issue.[2]
Not soon after the software update I began experiencing the wifi connectivity issues.
“If you enjoy what you do you will never work a day in your life.” Just recently I was elated when a client contacted us. We have been working on an ongoing project with them for over two years. They contacted us just to let us know they had used the project as a demo and witness. They used the project to help acquire funding for twenty-five full scholarships for youth from all over the world to attend any educational insitutue of their choosing.
Despite being in the HTML 4.01 spec since 1999 I picked up another small frontend tip recently.
When adding anchors on a page for the purpose of in-page links my typical method for years has been to add a link with the anchor name in the href and an anchor tag with a name attribute.
<a href="#productList">View more products</a> Some page content… <a name="productList"></a> <ul class="productList">…</a> Just the other day @ry5n informed me that a link that corresponds to an elements id will work just the same and there’s no need to add an additional anchor with a name.